This Likutei Moharan Podcast is dedicated to the discourses and lessons of Rebbe Nachman taught by the legendary Chassidic Master, Rabbi Lazer Brody. Likutei’s perceptions of the essence of reality, garbed in lower levels of wisdom and packaged in a way that will enable the worthy student to gain access to these perceptions in a manner appropriate to the student’s capacity and spiritual level.
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Latest Episodes
Ep. 48 - The Ultimate Good (Likutei Moharan I, Torah 65:3)
In one of Rebbe Nachman most uplifting teachings, he explains that suffering comes from Hashem, like everything else in life. Therefore, when a person experiences diff...
Ep. 47 - Fruit-Bearing Souls (Likutei Moharan I, Torah 65:2)
Rebbe Nachman describes an exquisite field full of exotic and indescribably beautiful plants and trees. There is a Master Gardener who tends to this field, giving each...
Ep. 46 - Garden of the Souls (Likutei Moharan I, Torah 65:1)
Rebbe Nachman tells of a field where exquisitely beautiful trees and plants grow. The splendor of this field is indescribable. Where is it?Likutei Moharan is a collect...
Ep. 45 - The Birds' Song (Likutei Moharan I, Torah 3 Review and Conclusion)
Rebbe Nachman teaches that anyone who listens to the melody of an upright singer or musician will be inspired to better their service of Hashem. Yet, there are few kos...
Ep. 44 - Holy Music (Likutei Moharan I, Torah 3)
Everything our soul ingests affects our spirituality. We pay much attention to the Kashruth of food because of its effect on the soul. Music penetrates our souls much ...